Demolition as a space for (re)action

Thursday, March 05, 2009

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Just finished the draft of my presentation in a seminar on cities in post-industrial Europe, which will be held in Brussels next week. The seminar is organised by the Multicultural centre Prague and Centre Bruxellois de l'action interculturelle. Looking forward to meet people from other corners of Europe.

My presentation focuses on a Pro-Test Lab set up around a cinema house called 'Lietuva' ('Lithuania') in the heart of Vilnius' historical centre. The project, initiated by new media artists duo Nomenda and Gediminas Urbonas, is probing into the intersection of public and space. I pose the question on how performative demolitions (of places and senses) reshape modern city by generating spaces as realms of (re)action. While demolition in this case served as an alarm rather than the culmination (I hope, along with Pro-Test Lab).
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